Intr-un joc de tip RPG (ROLE PLAYING GAME) esti in miezul evenimentelor, si de multe ori esti pus in situatia in care destinul unui regat, continent, (sau de ce nu, in cazul Mass Effect sau KOTOR, tot universul cunoscut) depinde de deciziile care le ei.
Imi amintesc si eu cum in jocuri de acest gen am tradat prieteni care mi-au fost aproape, cum am ucis, cum am mintit…actiuni care le-am simtit ca un gust amar, insa nimic nu se compara cu relatarea unui jucator care o puteti citi in randurile de mai jos:
In the original Fallout games I’ve killed all kinds of living beings, including children. Sometimes I earned money by killing, sometimes people wanted to blast me away for it. I’ve made money of cannibalism. I fucked women to get what I want. I even had sex with a sixteen year old and got married to her because her dad caught me and forced me to the altar with a shotgun. I made promises to people and stabbed them all in the back, allowing me to get filthy fucking rich in the process. I made and sold drugs, and even used it to temporarily up my strength, and became addicted after a couple of uses too much. I had philosophical discussions with mortal enemies, and the list goes on and on. It even contained homosexuality, something a lot of so called RPGs avoid like the plague. At the end you could even join the ‘bad guy’. Now THAT is contributing to the story.
This is so f*cked up!
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