Insurgentii din Irak, Afganistan si alte zone folosesc un soft de doar 26 de dolari pentru a intercepta imaginile video care le transmit UAV-urile Predator.
Se pare ca Predatorul transmite fluxurile video necriptate, deci nu e vorba de cine stie ce hacking la mijloc. Se pare ca DoD (Department of Defence) lucreaza la incriptarea tuturor transmisiilor din UAV-urilor (adica Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle) din Irak, Afghanistan si Pakistan, dar se misca greu deoarece reteaua este mai veche de 10 ani si e bazata pe solutii propietare.
Softul folosit este acesta:
Uitati totusi ce comment-uri au lasat unii la articolul original:
-Multiple kills confirmed. Nice job.
-Now all your Predators are belong to us!!
-What’s even more hilarious is for $10 more bucks you can get the browser plug-in to target and fire it’s weapons. Unfortunately you have to sign up for a WindowsLIVE ID account, which thankfully; no insurgent is willing to do. Hey, they may be insurgents, but they aren’t stupid.
-Who wants to bet that they didn’t pay for that software either?
Totusi este o vorba, It’s all funny until is not!