Mi-am pus Disqus pentru comentarii. Merge bine, cu cateva exceptii, insa am ramas cu un gust amar de la o anumita chestie care o s-o expun in randurile urmatoare:
In timp ce mai uitam pe site-ul Disqus, aflu de pe blogul lor ca exista aplicatie pentru moderat comentariile. Intru pe Market, instalez minunea, si realizez ca nu prea merge cum ar trebui. Dau un report bug astfel:
It does’nt work to respond to comments from app. I allways get the same eror message, that i’m not connected to the internet. And i am. Please release an update.
Primesc urmatorul mesaj, care mie mi-a parut cel putin ciudat si-l reproduc omitand politetile de rigoare:
Disqus doesn’t currently have a supported mobile app, though you can comment on sites using Disqus through a mobile browser.
Uimit peste masura, le raspund cu urmatoarele cuvinte:
Well, then what the hell is this https://market.android.com/details?id=com.disqus.Disqus ??? Seems like a legit app, and the mail i’ve just sent earlier, it was a „report a problem” from within the app.
And furthermore, here is a link, from your site, your blog actualy, http://blog.disqus.com/post/1216764454/disqus-mobile-moderate-on-the-go
How can you say that you dont have suported mobile app, when you do, for iphone, android, and palmos?!?!?
Raspunsul nu intarzie sa apara:
We apologize for the confusion. We don’t currently have a supported iphone app though you are correct in pointing our our official Android app. If you could kindly forward us your debug information and outline the steps in order for us to reproduce the issue, we’ll be happy to take a closer look.
Deci nu au, sau au dar nu stiu, sau au dar nu pentru toate platformele.
Oricum m-am linistit, baietii de la Disqus sunt la fel de seriosi ca o maimuta beata.