Cum sa stii ca evoluezi (sau nu) daca nu-ti setezi niste achievements, milestones, criterii de performanta, sau chestii fizice, posesiuni, experiente intr-o locatie, de care sa te tii, si sa te straduiesti, cat de cat, sa le atingi. Eu mai am site un whishlist pe care il pun pe aici sa vad daca am reusit sa obtin toate chestiile „materiale” pe care mi le-am dorit in momentul cand am intocmit lista. Lista de mai jos, dupa care poti sa-ti faci o introspectie istorica, eu l-am completat un pic in viteza, e posibil sa fi ratat cateva chestii importante din 2023, sau sa dau prea multa atentie altor intamplari, aspecte, etc.
Motivul pentru care l-am grabit ca ciorna e din decembrie 2022, si daca nu-l fac in fuga probabil o sa mai treaca un an. La unele chestii am confirmarea de pe diferite servicii, cum e de exemplu cea mai ascultata piesa muzicala, chestie care mi-o face Spotify automat. Nu sa raspund public decat la unele chestii, din motive de privacy, si o sa fie marcate cu text italic.
0 | Preparation
- Set aside enough time to complete your review in a quiet, dedicated space
- Take notes to capture any ideas, projects, or goals that come up during this process, to get them off your mind
- What area(s) of your life do you most want to focus on for this review?
- Where do you want to gain more clarity, creative inspiration, or freedom?
- How do you want to feel at the end of it?
- Set a deadline to publish or share your Annual Review
1 | Remember
- What was your favorite music? Lijpe – Eng, de 58 de ori, incepand cu 27 septembrie
- What were your favorite photos? Sunt aici.
- What were your favorite videos?
- What was your favorite reading? Creierul Pentagonului de Annie Jackobsen
- What were your favorite notes? Peace through superior firepower
- What were your favorite courses? Dutch pe Duolingo
- What was your favorite travel? Polonia
- Write Gratitude List
- What was your favorite speaking, teaching, awards, or recognition? CSM Coin, laudat de mai multi sefi.
- What were your favorite memories?
2 | Connect
- What was your biggest surprise?
- What were the risks you took?
- What compliment would you like to have received? Given?
- What was your most loving service?
- How would you characterize the last year for you?
- Which aspect of last year was most challenging? What was the most easeful?
- Where did you invest your time last year? Where would you have liked to invest more or less?
- Who were the most influential people in your life last year? Oana, Marius, Mihai
- List your 3 top wins for the year
- Review Annual Review from a year ago – is there anything you want to bring forward?
- Review your 2020 goals (if you had them) – write a short phrase describing the outcome of each
- Make an inventory of all completed projects, expeditions, and milestones – write a short phrase describing the outcome of each
- What were your disappointments from the year?
- What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned this year?
- What stories from last year are you letting go of?
- What about your work are you most committed to changing and improving?
- What are the big questions you are holding for this year?
- What advice would you like to give yourself?
- Review your “areas of responsibility” – in which areas would you like to raise the standard and what is one project that would do so?
- What else do you need to do or say to be complete with this year?
3 | Create
- What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do or have more of that?
- What is one as yet undeveloped talent you are willing to explore? Programare in Kotlin
- Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving?
- What do you think your biggest risk will be?
- What are you looking forward to learning? Dutch and Kotlin
- What one word or phrase would you like to have as your theme this year?
- What are you planning to do to improve your financial results? Getting rid of mortgages, better spending, increase of pay.
- Which goals will you commit to this year? (don’t forget to revisit the note you created earlier with ideas to revisit later)
- What are your immediate next steps to achieve these goals?
- What new habits can you cultivate that will help you to achieve these goals?
- What bad habits can you eliminate that will help you to achieve your goals?
- What goals, activities, or projects can you eliminate from last year?
- What would you like to be your biggest win? What would make this year your best year ever?